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Guide to Choosing the Right Contraceptive Method

Choosing the right contraceptive method is essential for managing your sexual health. With many options available, this guide will help you understand the different methods and their benefits to find the best fit for you. Barrier Methods Barrier methods prevent sperm from reaching the egg. Hormonal Methods Hormonal contraceptives regulate or stop ovulation. Long-Acting Reversible… Read More »Guide to Choosing the Right Contraceptive Method

Sexual health is a vital aspect of overall well-being, yet it’s often surrounded by myths and misconceptions. Here, we debunk some of the most common myths with expert insights. Myth: Condoms are 100% effective against STIs. Fact: While condoms greatly reduce the risk, they are not 100% effective. It’s important to combine safe sex practices… Read More »Top 10 Myths About Sexual Health Debunked

Breast Examination

It’s important to know how every part of your body feels. This would not only be a yardstick for knowing when there are any irregularities; it also helps you stay connected with your body, like BFFs who know everything about each other.  Breast self-examination is a very important way of knowing your body—your breasts precisely.… Read More »How to do a proper breast self-examination

Hepatitis: Explained 2

HEPATITIS DIAGNOSIS In order to properly treat hepatitis, it is important to comprehend its cause. To properly identify your problem, doctors will go with a battery of testing. Your doctor will first conduct a medical history to identify any risk factors for you before making a diagnosis of any kind of hepatitis. During a physical… Read More »Hepatitis: Explained (Part Two)

Hepatitis: Explained 2

Hepatitis can be said to be an inflammation of the Liver. It might be brought on by a virus, drinking alcohol, having certain medical problems, or even certain drugs. Treatment options differ according to the type and underlying reason. Hepatitis is the term for a liver inflammatory disease. Hepatitis can have different origins, however viral… Read More »Hepatitis: Explained (Part One)

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are spread predominantly by unprotected sexual contact. Some STIs can also be transmitted during pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and through infected blood or blood products. STIs have a profound impact on health. Without much ado, here are the five most common STIs; Syphilis, the sailor Syphilis was once associated with lusty sailors… Read More »5 Most Common STIs

Dear Whispa Fam, It has been over two weeks since Valentine’s Day. By now, you should have come down from all the highs and lows of that wonderful day. Examples of highs include the gifts you received, the cakes you ate, the engagement proposals, and, let’s not forget, the genital meet and greet that may… Read More »Your Health Balance Sheet

5 Reasons why you should build a relationship with your doctor

Your life is hectic, but you’re young and healthy. So why would you want to add anything like finding a doctor and scheduling an appointments to your already busy life? Studies reveal that having a primary care physician extends a person’s life. These people have a lower risk of passing away from ailments that include… Read More »5 Reasons Why You Should Build a Relationship with your Doctor

How to Deal with a Sickle Cell Crisis

A condition of the red blood cells (RBCs) called sickle cell disease (SCD) is inherited. Misshapen RBCs are a consequence of a genetic mutation. The crescent-shaped RBCs, which resemble a sickle-shaped farm implement, are the source of the SCD moniker. RBCs are often shaped like discs. Your body’s organs and tissues receive oxygen through RBCs.… Read More »How to Deal with a Sickle Cell Crisis

The Hormonal Dance: Exploring the Monthly Changes in Your Body

By: Mara Sampson Women’s bodies go through an ongoing cycle of hormones that kick off when you hit puberty and carry on until after you go through menopause. It’s the most natural process in the world. Yet, far too often, it’s not spoken about, and young women are left wondering what’s normal and what isn’t. Let’s… Read More »The Hormonal Dance: Exploring the Monthly Changes in Your Body

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