Semen and sperm are kind of like squares and rectangles. Semen is not a part of sperm, but Sperm is a part of semen. So are Semen and Sperm the same thing? Nope! They are NOT! Semen, commonly known as ejaculate or cum, is the white-ish fluid that typically but not always leaks from a person’s penis after they ejaculate. Semen is made up of many different components, but the male reproductive cells within the semen are known as sperm.

Genital Hygiene

Maintaining proper genital hygiene is essential for both men and women. It helps prevent infections, odors, and discomfort. In this article, we will discuss the importance of genital hygiene and provide some tips for keeping your genitals clean and healthy. Why is genital hygiene important? Proper genital hygiene is essential to keep your genitals clean… Read More »Genital Hygiene

We all experience stress on a regular basis. Positive stress aids us in overcoming difficulties and threats. Your heart rate, blood pressure, and energy levels all rise as a result of the body producing an excess of adrenaline.  However, persistent stress may be crippling and frequently has a negative effect on the female body, particularly… Read More »The impact of stress on female sexual health

In line with Cervical Health Awareness Month, we highlight the bad habits women need to look out for when it comes to cervical cancer and the importance of screening for the disease. Types of Cervical Cancer The cervix, which joins the uterus with the vagina, is where cervical cancer develops. Cervical cancer can take one… Read More »The Importance of Cervical Cancer Screening

At Whispa, we like to say that preventing pregnancy is not a big deal. However, if you do not know what contraceptive options are available for you, or if you do not know the factors to consider, the truth is, it can feel like a big deal. Pregnancy prevention methods also known as contraceptives are the… Read More »To prevent pregnancy, consider these 4 important factors

Yellow Banana on Purple Background

The genitals are not only one of the most sensitive parts of the human body. They also have a tendency to be the home to some infections if not kept clean. Giving it the care it deserves is beneficial to men and women but it begs the obvious question- how? What exactly is the correct way to clean your genitals? This Part 1 is for men, Part 2 is for women and will be posted shortly, so let’s get started!!!

Close Up of Grapefruit

The female genitals are not only one of the most sensitive parts of the human body. They also have a tendency to be the home to some infections if not kept clean. Giving it the care it deserves is beneficial to men and women but it begs the obvious question- how? What exactly is the correct way to clean your genitals, especially your vagina? Did you miss Part 1 for men…? well here’s part 2 for the ladies…

White Pregnancy Test Kit beside White Shirt

Do you think of the menstrual cycle as this unending bloody series with seasons 1 to 50+? then think of ovulation period as the most important action hero in your menstrual cycle (series). If you were to stop, delay, or postpone a woman’s ovulation date, the date of the next menstrual cycle will automatically change.

Assorted Vegetables on the Table

Penis size does not determine whether or not your sex partner(s) will enjoy the session or experience earth-shattering orgasms during sex. Let’s take a minute to think of the penis size and compare it to breast size. By now you should know that the amount of milk the breasts can produce has nothing to do with the size. We said it- NOTHING.

Some people’s periods come on schedule each month. Others may find theirs to be irregular and erratic and for some, they sometimes don’t happen at all! If your mensuration is delayed or totally absent, you just may not actually be pregnant. Read on to find out why your monthly visitor may be delayed or missing.

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